

All I can think about when I see Bing is yelling "stop trying to make Bing happen!" at the TV whenever Bing is featured.  I know the TV cannot hear me.

This is an interesting exercise, though, since I haven't looked at web search engines in a pretty long time (because Google).  I used to occasionally use Yahoo as an alternative, but I don't even bother with that anymore.  It does, however, confirm that my hatred of Bing is somewhat reasonable, as I can't stand the results page which is scattered and seems to consist largely of links directing you toward ads (or other links).  Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Searching on jazz trumpeter Lee Morgan, Bing, Ask, and DuckDuckGo all point toward AllMusic and Wikipedia, which is good.  Bing and Ask both pull the Wikipedia page and highlight it, with Bing being true-to-form about copying Google's layout (about the only thing they did right).  Ask did the only clever work of also including a link to discogs.org, but kind of drops the ball by positioning the AllMusic link on a right sidebar (under "Helpful Resources") which is an area I have trained to block out due to the frequency of other sites placing ads in that space.  DuckDuckGo leaves me somewhat cold, Bing is a mix of clever and infuriating, and Ask has some promise.  I should play with these some more.

P.S. "Bing."

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