
Thing #6

I've been using Flickr for awhile but haven't delved into all the third party tools out there until now. I have tried using their "Uploadr" tool which seems like a better way of getting photos online, except that it never seems to work. Their original, basic uploader, clunky as it is, seems to be the least likely to crash on me (computers are supposed to be time-saving devices, correct?). Let me know if you've had better luck with it.

So, here is my new cat (in the virtually collectible trading card format):


Edward Ott said...

I have never seen the virtual trading card. that is very cool.

JC said...

Make your own here!

John Larson said...

I've had great luck using the Uploadr. At least on a Mac.

I always seemed to have trouble just uploading via the web browser - seemed to take forever, sometimes pictures would not appear, etc.

I'm a total convert to the Uploadr, now.

Old Number Fourteen said...

Ahh!! He's so cute! I love black-and-whites.

JC said...

I've only used Uploadr on my MacBook 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. It seemed like a great idea at first, but then it's had the same problems you describe with the web browser (which I've encountered too, only it seemes even worse with Uploadr). I wonder if I'm doing something wrong...

JC said...

Kitty update: after going through many dozens of names we're calling him "Beaker" now. He's also a little older than we initially thought, more like 9 months, but he's got tons of crazy energy.